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Throughout the year we perform several different productions. Each July we have our 'Summer Showcase' in which the classes perform a variety of pieces to show what they have worked on throughout the year. In this show there is also an awards ceremony in which the school presents awards for students who have given great performances throughout the year, for dedication and for those who have achieved a personal goal. 




















We also have various other productions which vary in age range, cast size, style (from Shakespeare to Musical Theatre etc.) and these productions are audition only. Auditions are open to members of the school and outsiders and information about upcoming productions can be found on this page. Each show (apart from the school summer showcase) has a show fee rather than weekly fees. This show fee varies depending on size of cast and length of rehearsal time and this covers the cost of rehearsal space rental. The show may also be limited by age, and this can sometimes mean adult only productions too. We perform one large show at the beginning of January at the Duchess Theatre, Long Eaton, to give our students the chance to perform in a real theatre space and this show rehearses from September. Between January and summer other productions are offered. All show rehearsals will take place between 11am-1pm and to ensure the show can be a good standard we insist on high commitment. If we feel a cast member is not dedicated enough they can be removed from the cast as we feel it isn't fair on the other members. We also may not cast someone if we feel they aren't right for a certain production, however we will always give feedback from auditions and it isn't to say they wouldn't be perfect for the next show. Please visit our News page to find out about upcoming auditions and performances. 

'Wizard of Oz' - January 2018

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